The Best of 2020

Well, after the year we all had in 2020, it seems only appropriate that I’ve taken until March of 2021 to publish my “best of 2020” images! But wow, even with how rough 2020 was, there were still some incredible times, and even more incredible photos that I can’t resist sharing!
I got to see some of the most incredible scenery last year…from seeing Mount Rainier for the first time, to visiting Crater Lake for the first time as an adult, to this MAGICAL session in Central Oregon. I’m blown away that I actually have a JOB that takes me to places like these.
And from weddings like this one at Vineyard View Celebrations at La Bastide, to sweet elopements like this one, I was able to bear witness to and photograph so many beautiful marriages. It was truly an HONOR to be a part of each and every one.
I can’t forget to mention this beautiful styled shoot I hosted early last year (before the whole world closed down), and allll the incredible couple’s and engagement sessions I had. Goodness, I am one blessed photographer!!
My heart overflows with thankfulness for what 2020 brought me and taught me (oops, that wasn’t supposed to rhyme), because even in the midst of h-e-double-hockey-sticks, there were bright lights and joy to be found. To all my clients, I LOVE YOU GUYS and I’m SO thankful for each and every one of you. I hope you enjoy this look back on 2020!
P.S. Want to take a walk down memory lane and see how far I’ve come in the past few years? Check out the Best of 2019, the Best of 2018, and the Best of 2017.