Keith & Alyssa // December Wedding in Lebanon Oregon

Keith & Alyssa

Keith & Alyssa’s wedding this past Tuesday was such a wonderful way to end my 2019 wedding season! These two first met at a young adults retreat. Alyssa made a miniature snowman, and was trying to keep him alive on the 20 minute drive back to the house everyone was staying at. Keith noticed her, and really enjoyed her spunk. But Alyssa didn’t notice him at all because of being so preoccupied with said snowman!

If that doesn’t describe these two, I don’t know what does! Alyssa has more spunk than just about anybody I know, and joy just seems to bubble out of her. And one look at the two of them together, you know that Keith adores her more than life itself!

They got married at their church, surrounded by family and friends who all seemed overjoyed that these two were finally getting married! In fact, if I had to pick a word to describe the whole wedding, it would be joy. (Which is so appropriate for the time of year!) The pastor said it best…there will be a LOT of laughter in this marriage!

Keith & Alyssa, I’m SO happy for you guys. Marriage is beyond incredible (from my vast knowledge from the past 97 days), and I’m so stoked that you’re getting to experience it!!

Florals by Lilacs & Lilies.

Keith & AlyssaKeith & AlyssaKeith & AlyssaKeith & AlyssaKeith & AlyssaKeith & AlyssaKeith & AlyssaKeith & Alyssa

Take a walk down memory lane and check out Keith & Alyssa’s engagement session blog post from this past summer!

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