Why you should have a first look
First looks are all the rage these days, but are there actually any good reasons for having a first look? I definitely think there are.
It helps to reduce nervousness:
Most couples don’t realize how nervous they’ll get right before the big walk down the aisle. Not only for the bride, but for their groom too! Having a first look puts you both at ease for the rest of the day, and you get to enjoy your whole day with your best friend at your side.
It allows you to have more time with your guests:
If you don’t have a first look, you’ll need to have most of your portraits taken after the ceremony. This means that you’ll be rushing to get done with things, and that your guests will likely be standing around and waiting for you to get done. By having a first look, you’re allowing for allllll the portraits to be done ahead of time (other than maybe some gorgeous sunset photos!) which means you’ll actually be able to relax and enjoy the time with friends and family right after the ceremony.
It provides you with some alone time:
Most brides don’t realize that their groom won’t really have an opportunity to react to them if the first time they see each other is at the alter. He won’t be able to comment on how beautiful you look, or give you a hug, or anything like that. Alone time is incredibly rare on wedding days (unless you intentionally schedule it in), and having a first look allows you to have some moments together to let the excitement and romance of the day sink in.
In “The Wedding Experience…a guide for Rebekah Leona Photography brides” (which is an over 70 page, comprehensive guide that all of my brides get after booking!) I go into even more detail about why first looks are worth it. But are there any situations where you shouldn’t have a first look?
Keep an eye out for next weeks blog post to cover that very topic.
Updated 3/14/19: read about “why you should *not* have a first look” by clicking here.